Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Visitors

With our June wedding just around the corner, I have had little time to visit my favorite bird/wildlife sanctuaries this spring. Fortunately, last week, I was able to squeeze in a couple of birding adventures. The weather was not especially spring-like with temperatures in the teeth chattering 40's. The birds didn't seem to mind the chilly temps and gusty winds along Lake Michigan, as I saw most all of the regular spring visitors.  Below are many beautiful feathered friends often seen in Chicago during March and April.

A striking Blue-winged Teal dabbles in the calm, cool pond

A beautiful Fox Sparrow rests atop a fallen tree limb

A Yellow-rumped Warbler sports spring breeding feather finery

A colorful Horned-Grebe surfaces after diving in the teal blue harbor waters

A well-camouflaged Brown Creepers spirals up the tree

A handsome Northern Flicker scans the nature preserve

A Northern Rough-winged Swallow rests momentarily from its swooping, fluttery flight

A red-eyed American Coot pauses after dipping underwater for a repast of aquatic plants

A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drills shallow tree holes to access sticky sap (note the many small round holes bored into the bark of this tree)

A Hermit Thrush hunts for insects amongst grass and fallen leaves

Sitting pretty on the fence ~ American Robin

The misplaced Cinnamon Teal is still enjoying the surroundings at North Pond


TexWisGirl said...

all of those are spectacular shots! thank you for taking time to share them!

Kyle said...

Beautiful shots, Julie! I'm especially jealous of that grebe. Fantastic!

Unknown said...

Superb pictures! And informative!

PoetessWug said...

Once again, all of the photos are just fabulous! And as usual, I have a favorite. :-) This time it's the ellow-bellied Sap sucker. He's busy, likes wood, and takes a pretty picture. A birdie after my own heart! :-) By the way, I didn't know you were getting married?!! WHEN?!!!! :-]

BirdGalAlcatraz said...

Julie, these are stunning images! I especially love that amazing grebe shot and I'm totally jealous that you managed to capture a Brown Creeper. I seldom see them and by the time I do and grab my camera, the bird has climbed high and moved on. You're such a fantastic photographer ... thanks for sharing these lovely images!

de schoonheid van de natuur said...

Hoi Jullie
in een woord geweldig al die vogels.
ik heb er van genoten erg mooi.
groetjes Herman,

Unknown said...

Wow! Delightful series of wonderful photos of wonderful birds!

The Falconer's Wife said...

Incredible photos!

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots and a great post.

RVDaalen said...

Really great captures, wonderful bird pics very sharp colorful.

Well done!!!

Greetz from Holland,


Tammy said...

So many wonderful captures! It certainly doesn't look as though the weather is bothering them at all.

Tim said...

Impressive and beautiful bird photography. I wish I had the skill and equipment for such photography. Great work!

Dawn Fine said...

Awesome! Beautiful! Happy Wedding!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post and photos! The Horned Grebe is really wonderful!

shelly said...

I love the way you caption your photos. It's hard to pick a favorite photo. All of them are beautiful.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Such beautiful captures as always! Hope to see a horned grebe soon they are so unique looking. The cinnamon teal is still there. Paul and I will have to take a trip into Chicago soon!

Cynthia White said...

Lovely & unique pics Julie- always look very forward to your posts:)

Unknown said...

All are fabulous shots but I especially love the one of the robin. It looks like a painting! I love the brown creeper, too! Wonderful!!!

JRandSue said...

Stunning Birds,superb photography.

Debbie said...

i was so excited to see an update from you, spectacular photo's. i am buying a new camera and wondered if you would share what camera/lens you use. i have great opportunities, but need a much better camera to achieve the clarity you get. my email address is stangs6@hotmail.com, if you have any suggestions. thanks....debbie

Jen Sanford said...

So many beautiful shots, I can't even pick a favorite!

John's Island said...

Hi Julie, Another set of wonderful photos. I truly admire your birding photography. When I was looking at your shot of the American Robin I was thinking that you surely will be getting phone calls from the publishers of the birding guide books to use that one. I mean, it is just perfect. And, on a completely different subject: best wishes on the wedding! John

forgetmenot said...

Julie, What fabulous shots of such a great variety of birds--you take lovely photos!!!! And, what a wonderful way to spend a day communing with nature. Best wishes for the wedding-June will be here soon. Mickie :)

Unknown said...

These are great Julie thanks for sharing. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...


It has been a while since I looked in, I like what I see. The flicker shot is out of this world my friend. We are looking forward to seeing you in June.

Anonymous said...

What a spectacular post Julie!! I love the way you frame your shots. I love them all but the robin on the fence is my absolute FAV!! :)

Liane Pinel said...

Wow! Simply beautiful! Nuff said:)

Robert Stalnaker said...

Very nice, Julie. It's not easy capturing a good image of a warbler, is it. I can barely get my binoculars on them in time and with my 400mm lens, I am usually looking at a tree limb--bye bye bird! Look forward to more of your wildlife images.

Steve Creek said...

I always enjoy your great photos! Well done!

Kathy said...

These are wonderful pictures - the birds are fantastic. I remember when we lived in Columbus, OH that they had a fantastic sanctuary where we could observe the amazing wildlife there. I loved taking my children there when they were young. To this day they call me when they see some fantastic sight!
Hope you have a great weekend,

Roxanne Evans said...

Beautiful well composed images. Such wonderful detail-especially in those fast moving little guys.

SLH said...

Stunning series, as always! Love the yellow-rumped Warbler!

Anonymous said...

Another great series of wonderful bird photography!

Linda said...

I love these Julie, excellent work! It is amazing how the sapsucker drills all of those holes without electricity...LOL The sap must be sweet to them....I love the texture in the bark on that and your composition..It is beautiful. I have never seen a brown creepers, so lovely a bird ..wonderful contrast on all... Thanks for your kind and inspiring comments and following me on twitter too...Happy Easter and also have fun with your wedding plans..warm regards, Linda :))

Weekend Cowgirl said...

Amazing photos. I really enjoyed all the birds!

Pat Ulrich said...

So many awesome shots in this post! that eared grebe is stunning, and I always love to see creepers!

FAB said...

Hi Julie. I couldn't pick a favourite as each photo is spectacular. Such clear detail in every shot.
I do hope the wedding plans are progressing satisfactorily.

BTW can you remind me what set up you are using and do you use a tripod? Cheers Frank.

Julie G. said...

Warm gratitude to all for the wonderful comments left on my blog. Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Frank, For these photos I used a Canon EOS 7D Camera coupled with a Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS Telephoto Lens. Currently I do not use a tripod. I recently acquired one as a gift and I'm excited to give it a try.

Jann said...

I've just found your Blog; fantastic! Makes me want to cry (again) over not having a 400 mm lens! Some day...such beautiful shots Julie, love your Blog.

cindyzlogic said...

Julie, your photos are outstanding!!! Glad you had time to get out and capture them! Preparing for a wedding...huh?...don't get stressed ;-)

Larry Ostby said...

Your spring guests are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.

AleR said...

Great shots!

Caroline said...

Found your blog via Jann's. What beautiful photos.
The grebe looks possessed, I love it.

Anonymous said...

A great cache of birds for spring day's walk. Such variety, especially the grebe! Magnificent bird and totally new to me.

Patricia/Trisketta said...

Julie: What extraordinary captures of our wonderful nature. Bravo!!!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Julie,
Very nice pictures of these different birds. They've got beautiful colors and you have them nicely photographed in their natural environment.

Greetings, Marco

Ben said...

Hi Julie,
Wondreful bird pics,sharpnes and color are great. Well done!!
Thanks for sharing them with us.


Larry Ostby said...

Absolutely beautiful photos. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Julie, love visiting your blog and am always thrilled to view your images. What talent you have! Wonderful photos:)

Alexander Rozinov said...

Great shot!!!

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Wonderful birds brilliant colors.

Kathie Brown said...

You have seen some of my favortie birds in this post! Love the brown creeper and the flicker! Too much fun!!!!

Art said...

You are a very good photographer, you have so many great pictures!