Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall Feathers

This post features several of the beautiful birds I have seen throughout the autumn months.
~ Identification corrections always welcome ~

A most striking raptor ~ Juvenile Cooper's Hawk

A pretty Palm Warbler seen against a colorful autumn background

American Goldfinches are a common sight during the fall months 

Goldenrod offers a nice perch for this stunning White-crowned Sparrow

A beautiful Black-throated Green Warbler forages amid the tree branches

 A gust of wind fluffs the feathers of an American Kestrel

I spotted this Dark-eyed Junco bathing delightfully in a puddle after an early morning downpour

A Horned Lark explores washed up vegetation on the Lake Michigan shore

A handsome juvenile Red-tailed Hawk scans the nature preserve for prey

A Red-eyed Vireo passes through our property on its migration south

A peanut is this Blue Jays snack of choice ~ This particular Blue Jay would repeatedly pick up 4 - 8 peanuts and toss the rejects before it decided on the perfect nut

A Semipalmated Plover enjoys a sunny day at the beach

Floating lazily in the cool pond waters ~ Hooded Merganser


MoiCLouLou said...

Beautiful pictures Julie, as always. Can't decide which one I like the best!

Thanks for sharing, Louise (MoiCLouLou)

Jim Braswell said...

Awesome post, as always, Julie! Wonderful images of some really neat birds :o)

de schoonheid van de natuur said...

Hoi Julie
ik ben sprakeloos wat vind ik dit mooie foto's top.
groetjes Herman Holland

Kerri Farley said...

Each visit here leaves me breathless! Such lovely images .... what a treat to see them!! Great post Julie!

John's Island said...

Hi Julie, Your blog is one of my favorites and the reason is simply the excellent quality of images you post. As I am looking at your bird photos I can't help but think that the pics should be in one of the birding guide books. Yes, they are that good! Thank you for sharing your excellent photography. John

PoetessWug said...

You have Raptors, hawks and blue jays and I have woodpeckers on my blog today! I guess great minds think alike! LOL Although your photos of all of these beautiful birdies are much better than my big game hunter's!! ^_^ (You'll have to see the post to get that!)...Your photos...Beautiful as usual!!!

Jen Sanford said...

So many beautiful photos!! That merganser shot is amazing... I could just stare at it! Your Blue Jays do the same thing with the peanuts as our Western Scrub-jays! The junco bath photo is adorable...

Guy said...

Hi Julie

I cannot decide with I enjoyed more the Kestrel or the bathing Junco. I know these beautiful photos are a perfect tonic for our cold brown day.

Thanks Guy

Christina said...

I love that you caught the warbler perfect focus!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each of these images is stunning. I love birds and your pictures show them at their best.

Dan said...

Wonderful series, Julie! They are all great, but my favourite is the Hooded Merganser.

TexWisGirl said...

the cooper's hawk was stunning. the junco made me laugh as did the bluejay, but that merganser at the end... wow! gorgeous shot!!! calendar sales, here we come!

-- said...

Such STUNNING captures of all these beautiful birds, Julie! I especially like the Blue Jay with the peanut ha! I didn't know their preference in food. :)

I've never seen a Hooded Merganser until this sensational shot you have presented here!

Awesome work, as always! My Dad is a great lover of birds so I'm going to share this with him :)

Mollie/LizzieSkys said...

Fabulous. the color and detail are..... WOW. Yes, my fav also is Bluejay. All are awesome! Thanks for posting. :)

Cristina Munteanu said...

Great shots with beautiful birds!

Unknown said...

All of them are just gorgeous! I'm partial to the American Kestrel. I have yet to see one in real life. Excellent work as always!

Humberto Dib said...

I love birds, Julie, liked your blog, cheers from Argentina!

cindyzlogic said...

A spectacular variety of birds, Julie!! Outstanding photography!! Love the fluffy of my all time faves :-))

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful pictures, so crisp, great photography.

Debbie said...

the feather detail in all of these pictures is just amazing!!

i adore all of natures gifts but the birds are really my favorite's!!

awesome entry today!!

Tim said...

Beautiful bird photos! It must take skill, patience, and time to take photos like these.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

You sure have a knack for catching the beauty of birds. I love all the photos shared today, especially love the sweet Junco in puddle.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Julie,
These shots are really fantastic!!
Great how you've caught each bird in a wonderful composition.
All of them are beautiful also the birds of prey. This is real enjoyment for me. Thanks!!

Greetings, Marco

Dan Huber said...

Wonderful photos Julie, each one is captured perfectly - love the Kestrel in the soft light.


Anonymous said...

Your photos are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them.

Red Rose Alley said...

Truly lovely birds. The last one is so unique. I've never seen it before. My daughter came over and looked at all your photos. She was amazed because she also loves photography. We both want to get new cameras, but I have a wedding to plan for and that comes first.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Bob Bushell said...

They are a standing legend, and your photography, beautiful.

Hilke Breder said...

Marvelous variety of birds, and great photography! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog, Julie.

Marsha Young said...

GEORGEOUS photos. Many of the birds I recognized from our own backyard, but some were new to me.

Lovely, thank you for sharing.

Weekend Cowgirl said...

I am amazed at all the birds you have photographed. I cannot seem to photograph even one! So many pretty birds...

Helma said...

Hi Julie,

what a great series of these beautiful birds. I'm actually a little jealous of so many beautiful birds. You know they are beautiful to photograph. Really very beautiful.

Greetings from Holland by Helma

Pat Ulrich said...

Really gorgeous shots! Love the hawk and the bathing junco!

Art said...

Gorgeous detail. Great series of images!

Wanda..... said...

Your bird photos are lovely, each one unique and so full of detail!

Harold Stiver said...

Wonderful series!! The Cooper's is a gem

Ben said...

Hoi Julie,
Zeer fraaie beelden laat je ons van meegenieten. Mooie scherpte,kleuren met geweldige composities. Complimenten voor je werk!!


Rebecca said...

A wonderful series! Every photo is perfect..--Thanks for sharing :) I guess if I had to choose my favorite in would have to be the hawk...

JM Foto said...

Hello from Denmark!
Amazing birds photography. Good job!

Daricia said...

wow! that vireo is adorable. i'm just learning about i know where to come to find out more. beautiful pictures!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness...what an assortment of beautiful photos. The juvie Cooper's is so intense and the junco taking a bath melts my heart!!

Caroline said...

Beautiful camera work! The merganser is an absolute work of art, so elegant, isn't he?

Jann said...

Really gorgeous photos as usual Julie! They're all fabulous...I hope to get a decent photo of the palm warbler, they're really common here in Florida. Thank you so much for visiting my new Blog!

Scott said...

Beautiful collection, Julie. Every shot is terrific.

Unknown said...

Julie, these images are just stunning! Love the view of the Kestrel, amazIng to catch the ruffled feathers! Could look at these all day!

moonlight said...

hoy muestro mis plumas de otoño.

Kathie Brown said...

Julie, what a nice series of shots! I love the bathing junco and the kestrel. I did not see any red-eyed vireos this year, though I did hear some. I have also had a juvenile cooper's hanging around my yard and hunting my bird feeders. Lovely color and clarity in all of these!

Brad Myers said...

Awesome photographs and a great blog. I am glad I happened upon it.

Donna said...

Really gorgeous photos!!!

Larry Ostby said...

OH MY!! I always enjoy your your very fine photography and selection of the stunning captures you have presented. I am particularly fond of your hawks and especially the Kestrel. I've tried with little success with those fellas. All the photos are amazing and provide me with encouragement and purpose to do better at what I love to do. Thank you so much.

Red Rose Alley said...

I just did a post on black and white photos that you might enjoy.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Red Rose Alley said...
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Bets said...

Hello Julie
What a very beautiful blog with all the birds.I found your blog by Louise and i wil follow you.
Greetings Bets

Mary Howell Cromer said...

OH My...I have no words to describe, other than marvelous collection, just splendid.
I have added your blog to my blog list, so I can follow it more readily~

Manuel Luis said...

É necessário levantar cedo para conseguir estas frescas e fantásticas imagens cheias de cor e magia como são as manhas frescas. O espectáculo de chapinharem na agua e os reflexos.
Gosto de sentir o teu trabalho.
Obrigada pelas imagens e pelo teu precioso tempo, estou contigo nesta caminhada.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of your beautiful birds Julie..

NikonSniper said...

wow wow wow!
julie your photos are so fantastic.
from woodstock, il.
nikonsniper steve

Adry said...

fantastic !!!

Ellie said...

Your pictures are all lovely, so sharp and clear. What a varied selection of birds.

Anonymous said...

Preciosas imágenes y un bellísimo blog. Enhorabuena!

Haddock said...

Great pictures.
The blue jay with the peanut looks great.

forgetmenot said...

Julie, I didn't realize I had missed this post--what wonderful photos of such a great variety of birds. I love the red tailed hawk, and the bluejay with the peanut is perfect! Hope your Thanksgiving was great--now on to Christmas! Take care. Mickie:)

Manuel Luis said...

Estou a pensar comprar uma Canon EOS 7D. Qual é o preço aí? Agora esta mais barata, custa 1.800 euros. Não consigo encontrar em 2º mão, o preço seria mais leve. Que me aconselhas?

Danubio Ferrari said...

Perfect Photos!!!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful series again love that Cooper really cool birds. Merganser is really nice too nice soft shot.

stardust said...

Hello again, Julie! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words on my blog. You’re a splendid photographer to capture the splendor of nature. I can almost feel the texture and the warmth of the birds. In the previous post, the shots of disputing hummingbirds are terrific. I’ll keep up with you and look forward to the post in the New Year.


SLH said...

These are fantastic - I love the junco!!

KaHolly said...

Revisiting today just to look at your beautiful photos. How do you get them to pose so nicely for you? Do you cast a magic spell?

World Famous said...

Great Eye dude.
Nice shots.
Exam Papers

David | TestKing said...

Your blog is really very beautiful. The pictures are wonderful. I have bookmarked this page, it is too good to have. Thanks for sharing.