Spying brightness up ahead, I part the densely leaved branches to a forest of weatherworn cattails and burping frogs. Stepping gingerly atop the spongy marsh floor, a magical scene appears before my eyes. The rising sun casts it's golden warmth upon a marsh filled with budding slough flora and tattered cattails. Bright, fluttering gold speckles the wetlands. I situate myself in amongst 10 foot tall cattails, along the edge of a meandering stream that hosts a variety of wildlife including frogs, turtles, ducks, beavers and Sandhill Cranes. I quietly stand and observe ... What follows are a few of my golden moments at the marsh.
A Yellow Warbler seeks the perfect seed
A Yellow Warbler sings a merry tune
A Common Yellowthroat perches amongst the cattails
A Yellow Warbler looks out over the marsh
An American Goldfinch shows off his vibrant feathers
A Common Yellowthroat joins in the chorus
A female Yellow Warbler croons a pretty melody
The lovely plumage of a Yellow Warbler
A Yellow Warbler pauses on a flowering limb
Sooo, let see, gold trades at $1,211 per ounce at the close Friday. How much money did you make? As usual, gorgeous photos my Dear. :)
Absolutely wonderful photos!
Absolutely FABULOUS post!! Makes my heart sing .... right along with those beautiful birds!
Excellent shots!!!
great photos!
Lovely post and really fantastic photos.
Wow..Love the singing poses..these are some really good shots!! :)
A gracious thank you to all! Your especially nice comments are very much appreciated.
I love how you captured the beauty and soundscape of your marsh visit.
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