Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Kirtland's Warbler and Other Spring Birds

I love spring migration! To the surprise and delight of birders and nature photographers, a rare bird, the Kirtland's Warbler, visited Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary in Chicago for two days in May.

Below are a series of photographs taken during the 2015 spring season.

The brilliant blue plumage of a singing Indigo Bunting

A Hooded Warbler explores the ground for insects

A Golden-winged Warbler shows off its stunning markings

A handsome American Redstart feeds at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary

A golden beauty ~ Yellow Warbler

A striking Black-throated Green Warbler hunts among the spring foliage

Seeking sustenance ~ Prothonotary Warbler

A pretty Blue-winged Warbler looks for nourishment

A common spring sight ~ Palm Warbler

Searching for food amid the green leaves ~ Canada Warbler

A beautiful Magnolia Warbler feeds around the interior tree branches

A female Baltimore Oriole delights in blooming tree buds

Flitting from branch to branch ~ American Redstart (female)

On the hunt for a buggy snack ~ Wilson's Warbler

An endangered Kirtland's Warbler surprises us with his glorious presence