Thursday, October 18, 2012

Autumn Birds

Below are a series of bird photographs taken during the 2012 autumn season.

A Magnolia Warbler looks stunning amid the green leaves

Searching for food ~ Chestnut-sided Warbler

A lovely Yellow-rumped Warbler perches at the tip of a branch

A slow-moving Yellow-billed Cuckoo sits atop a tree limb ~ A life bird for me!

Peeking out from behind a tree ~ Cooper's Hawk

A busy Northern Waterthrush searches for insects amongst the fallen leaves

 Black-capped and so very beautiful ~ Wilson's Warbler

A pretty Northern Parula looks for nourishment

A flying jewel ~ Ruby-throated Hummingbird ~ If you look closely you can see the very tiny tongue protruding from the tip of its bill

Seeking sustenance ~ Black-throated Green Warbler

On the hunt for delectable ants ~ Northern Flicker

I was especially surprised and delighted to spot this gorgeous Blue-winged Warbler on October 16th

One of two Black-billed Cuckoo seen at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary this fall ~ Another life bird!


  1. They're all usual, Julie! But the peeking Cooper's Hawk did it for me this time. He's so regal looking! :-)

  2. As I scrolled through the photos, I kept saying, "oh this one's my favorite!" Each outdid the other. They are really great photos.

  3. Oh Julie .... another Magnificent post! Fantastic!

  4. Bonitas capturas,me gustan porque son muy naturales.Saludos

  5. Gorgeous birds and how on earth were you able to get so close to the "coopie"? Wow beautiful!

  6. What a wonderful series of sightings, the photos are wonderful, congrats on the lifer:)

  7. That was some true excellent photos Julie !

  8. WOW! What a beautiful collection of bird images. Each one is excellent.

  9. Gorgeous photos, Julie! Congrats on the cuckoo life birds, and getting some great photos of them. It's always exciting to find a new bird, especially when you can get 'the shot', too.

  10. What a wonderful series of birds Julie ! Fantastic photos :)

  11. Dearest Julie,

    What a beautiful photos you show here again. Those birds are such perfect super-models in their colorful plumage. Your header did touch me more than ever as I just watched over breakfast our neighbor unloading a doe that he'd shot. I could never ever do that! Rather should with a camera and frame their beauty forever; like you do so well.
    Hugs to you,

  12. A really lovely set of photographs as usual. Always look forward to your new postings!

  13. each image is just awesome! the warblers are so beautiful, but so is that striking cooper's!

    i've had the pleasure of yellow-billed cuckoos here. really cool birds.

  14. Beautiful Julie! Both Cuckoos are great. We've seen one in th late 80's in Gatineau Park and I still remember this special moment; so I understand your feeling!

    All these warblers are stunning especially in these lovely fall colors. A great series!!!

    Thanks for sharing these beauties!

  15. Oh. My. Gosh. JULIE - these are STUNNING photos. I love, love, love them. And look at that sweet little hummer. I need to take birding photography lessons from you. These are so gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Beautiful pictures.
    What a beautiful birds are singing you have there.
    Very beautiful to see, especially the Kolibri.

    Groetjes Tinie

  17. Absolutely incredible photos! Wow, what a shot of the Cooper's Hawk... so beautiful!

  18. Wat een mooie serie van die mooie vogels.
    groetjes Herman,

  19. What a post Julie...each and every photo is stunning! I like how all your photos have such pleasing backgrounds! The Yellow-billed Cuckoo is incredible! Thanks for sharing!

  20. So many wonderful colored bird pictures..... it's a great post Julie.

    greetings, Joop

  21. I love them all, my favourite is the Cooper Hawk, superb.

  22. Beautiful birds and images, Julie!

  23. Julie, I just loved all your birds and your photos. Great shots!

  24. Totally Awesome post, Julie! Images are spectacular, as always :o)

  25. What a fabulous set of photos Julie, and such beautiful birds! My favourite is the Chestnut-sided Warbler, what a pretty and inquisitive little bird. They really are all gorgeous. I love the Ruby-throated Hummingbird too, how I wish we had hummers here, they are just delightful!

  26. Wonderful bird pictures, the cuckoo and the warblers especially.

  27. Great photos! Our birders here are nuts about the Warblers:)

  28. Such beautiful photos, Julie and congratulations on the two lifers!

  29. Congrats on the lifebirds!!!! They would be the same for me as well. You've got some great great shots! Warblers are tricky little birds. I was excited looking at all the different varieties. Very nice:)

  30. I love the Cooper's Hawk and the Ruby Throated Hummingbird. And all are beautiful!

  31. Wow, I'm so glad to have found your blog. Your photography of the birds is so beautiful!

    Saloma Furlong

  32. Stunning work Julie.

    I'm especially admiring on your Cuckoos. In fact, I'm cuckoo for them! They're incredible birds and it's fantastic that your have both american species on in the light with their eyes so clear.

    Thank you for this.

  33. Magnificent series of pictures, so colourful and sharp!
    Also very eclectic, I wonder how you can manage so many different species at once!!
    Brilliant Julie!
    Enjoy your WE!

  34. Hi julie

    I have to agree with the earlier comments each photo was my favorite as I scrolled thru but I really liked the Chestnut-sided Warbler it was my favorite, I think. You are a very talented photographer.

    All the best.

  35. Julie - your photos are just such a pleasure to look at.
    Funny is, that some the birds you have here (Magnolia and Chestnut-sided Warbler, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ruby-throated, Cooper's Hawk) were live birds for me this September, when I visited the US. (My humble photos will up on my blog sometimes.)

  36. Hello Julie
    What a lot of beautiful birds. specialy the kolibri and the coopers hawk.
    Greetings Bets

  37. Hey Julie,
    These shots are so nice!! It's really fantastic to see these beautiful birds between the autumn colored leaves. You've caught these birds in very nice poses and good sharpness. This is enjoyment, my compliments!!

    Greetings and have a good weekend,

  38. what a beautiful collection of our sweet feathered friends!!

    the blue-winged warbler, so precious!!

    love the hawk!!

  39. Julie, these are just wonderful images! That is a spectacular shot of the yellow-billed cuckoo! Wow! What a gorgeous series of photos!

  40. Very lovely !!! Thanks !
    Have a good day

  41. This is a beautiful series of colorful birds, Julie. I enjoyed looking at them!

  42. Hi Julie, When it comes to posting pictures on the web I started with Twitter a couple of years ago. Then, I became more interested in blogging simply because I found it a little more interesting and fulfilling, and, yes, sometimes Twitter became a little bit TMI. (Too much information) :-) The reason I mention all that is, in blogging, I often enjoy the photos and commentary that folks post in a single viewing. That in itself I find interesting. However, rarely do I find a blog post where I stop and just take a long, long look at the photos and then go back and look again. But that is exactly what happens on your blog. And this Autumn Birds post is just as wonderful as always. Now, my favorite in this post is the second picture ... the Chestnut-sided Warbler. You captured so much feeling in that photo of the little bird. It's wonderful! As always, thank you for sharing and thank you for your especially kind comments on John's Island. I so appreciate having you as a follower. Have a great weekend! John

  43. What a great collection of images, Julie! Love the Cooper's and the Chestnut-sided, especially.

  44. Another fabulous post Julie! Your images ALWAYS put a smile on my face. Good to see you still visit Montrose Harbor since your move. Thank you for introducing me to such a beautiful place to bird a few years ago. Especially love the cuckoo's both yellow and black billed, blue-winged and chestnut sided warbler. All of course are wonderful. Really enjoyed this post!

  45. Julie, all of these images are wonderful!

  46. Lovely photos of some very pretty birds.

  47. Julie, your series is absolutely beautiful. The Cooper and the Cuckoos are my favorites along with the Warblers and Flickers. Sheesh! Almost forgot the Hummer, what a treat. Thank you Julie.

  48. Piękne zdjęcia , piękne ptaki.

  49. The moment this blog opened, I was welcomed by the beautiful Deer as usual, and then I was so fascinated by the tender and cute yellow Magnolia Warbler, and other impressive birds one after another. I smiled at the pose of flight of Hummingbird. Whenever I visit here, I’m so filled with admiration and contentment in seeing your photography. Thanks for sharing, Julie.


  50. All so beautiful-- it's hard to pick a favorite. That Chestnut-sided Warbler is so pretty, and the hawk's stare is engaging!

  51. So many fabulous shots of birds. I especially love the eye and hooked beak of the hawk.

  52. Hey Julie,
    First, thanks for your lovely compliments on my tiger.
    But your pictures are also so beautiful.
    I think, it's verry diffecult to make a nice shot from the birds.
    Also the collers in this autumn looks verry nice to same with the birds.

    Lovely greeting, Joke

  53. Wonderful images of all your lovely birds Julie...

  54. Wow! adorable bird on the 1st photograph!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

  55. Outstanding! I am at a loss to say more. Each image speaks for itself.

    Thank you

  56. Hi Julie, Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments on John's Island. You are such a wonderful friend and supporter. It always improves my day to stop by your blog and enjoy your wonderful photography. Have a great day, John

  57. Beautiful collection,superb photography.

  58. Muitos destes pássaros estão a chegar aqui a Portugal, infelizmente para alguns não voltarão aí. Nesta época do ano, armam-se milhares de armadilhas as escondidas das autoridades. Gente que não é sensível ao que pertence a todos. Ninguém cuida do que é de todos.
    Como sempre, belas fotos.

  59. Julie: I've been absent from journeying through my favorite blogs for a while. What a treat to be back. Your images are so fresh and beautiful. You always manage to capture that extra dimension in your work--whether it be an emotion, surprising detail and/or humor.

    I am so sorry to read about your loss and offer my heartfelt condolences.


  60. Venho desejar-te um excelente fim de semana.

  61. These are just gorgeous, Julie!! The photo of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo is perfect. It captures their definitive posture so well!

  62. Hi Julie, Just stopping by to say thanks, as always, for your wonderful encouraging comments on John's Island. And, of course, I get to enjoy your wonderful birding photos again. Seriously, I could enjoy these for years! :-) And, I will be looking forward to your next post as well. Have a great day. John

  63. Like always Julie your post is marvelous. Congrats on your Cuckoos, what a terrific catch. Love the hummer and the Coopers Hawk. Flickers find it easy to avoid me, you caught a good one here. Really enjoyed the post Julie. Thanks.

  64. Julie, I don't know how I missed this post--amazing bird photos, as always. Always a treat to visit your blog. I am SO BEHIND in checking in on other bloggers--I've missed out on some great photos and interesting commentary, I'm sure. Hope all is well and that your house is coming along nicely. Enjoy the Holiday Season. Mickie :)

  65. I am green with envy on your warblers! They continue to be some of the hardest birds to capture on camera. All of them are wonderful shots!

  66. Superb set of photos the magnolia warbler is beautiful

  67. Very beautiful photo. Excellent quality. Your entire blog is nice. I like to come back. I wish you much happiness and good health in 2013. Peter.
