Below are a series of bird photographs taken during the 2012 autumn season.
A Magnolia Warbler looks stunning amid the green leaves
Searching for food ~ Chestnut-sided Warbler
A lovely Yellow-rumped Warbler perches at the tip of a branch
A slow-moving Yellow-billed Cuckoo sits atop a tree limb ~ A life bird for me!
Peeking out from behind a tree ~ Cooper's Hawk
Peeking out from behind a tree ~ Cooper's Hawk
A busy Northern Waterthrush searches for insects amongst the fallen leaves
Black-capped and so very beautiful ~ Wilson's Warbler
A pretty Northern Parula looks for nourishment
A flying jewel ~ Ruby-throated Hummingbird ~ If you look closely you can see the very tiny tongue protruding from the tip of its bill
On the hunt for delectable ants ~ Northern Flicker
I was especially surprised and delighted to spot this gorgeous Blue-winged Warbler on October 16th
One of two Black-billed Cuckoo seen at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary this fall ~ Another life bird!