Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Brings ...

The first day of spring is only one week away. This post contains photographs from my archives featuring several birds I am looking forward to seeing over the coming spring season.

Beautiful Yellow Warblers will soon flutter about the marsh area at the back of our property

I've already spotted many American Robins hopping through the grass seeking sustenance

Tiny Ruby-crowned Kinglets are always a delight to observe

Pretty Yellow-rumped Warblers will soon fill the trees

One of the most lovely birds I have ever seen ~ Blackburnian Warbler

This stunning Prothonotary Warbler was a life bird for me last year

The the high-pitched song of Common Yellowthroats will soon fill the marsh

Rusty capped Palm Warblers will be passing through on their way to Canada

I am looking forward to the arrival of diminutive Ruby-throated Hummingbirds during the month of April

Resplendent Black-throated Green Warblers briefly visit the Chicago area during spring migration

Eastern Bluebird  ~ We already have a few bluebird couples checking out several of the nest boxes on our property ~ Last year, one pair raised three successful broods in the same nest box


  1. Awesome photos Julie, hope you get to see all of these birds and more

  2. well then we are in for a real treat!! these are all stunning, many of them i have never seen. i would love to pick a favorite but i just can't do it.

    i am excited to greet my hummers, they will be arriving soon!! i loved yours with his slightly ruffled feathers!!

    thanks so much for keeping in touch with me, and always leaving the kindest comments!!

  3. Awesome photos, I can't pick a fave, they're all beautiful.

  4. Beautiful wee birds, I can just imagine the lovely chirping noises they must make. Lovely pictures.

  5. Such beautiful images and birds Julie, I can see why you are looking forward to spring!

  6. Beautiful pictures Julie! We will be seeing all these soon too, here in Canada.
    This is truly a beautiful spring post and it is really very nice to look at each and everyone of your stunning pictures!
    Have a beautiful day!

  7. you get a fabulous selection of warblers there! so colorful!

  8. What a lovely colored birds....... very nice shots Julie.

    greetings from Holland, Joop

  9. Beautiful images, my favourite is the Ruby-crowned Kinglet, superb.

  10. Simply stunning photos Julie, as always a beautiful assortment:)

  11. Beautiful bird picture! I think the fist picture in this serie are a little bit overexposed, but anyway nice photos.

    JM Natur

  12. Again, beautiful. The birds are tweeting away in the backyard too.

  13. Awesome pictures again here, beautiful colours and environments you have in them all !

  14. Heel erg mooi al die verschillende vogels mooi in beeld gebracht,
    groetjes Herman,

  15. Hi Julie

    What a beautiful collection of warblers. Hopefully they will all stop there soon on their way up here.


  16. Yep!....Yep!....Good to see these again! :-) And WOW! Is Spring that close for real?!...Although, in our area, it's been sorta like an unusually early Spring already!...but without the birds and flowers. I saw my first robins in the backyard recently though, so here comes Spring!...for real this time! ^_^

  17. Great photos Julie! The Prothonotary and Blackburnian are both at the top of my list to see. I'm really looking forward to you spring photos these next few months.

  18. Hi Julie, I am so impressed with your Beautiful bird photos. I don't know how you get these birds to pose for you, but they are just so beautifully photographed. The Yellow Warbler is my favorite of your photos. Well done.

  19. Beau-ti-ful! Your photos are amazing. I rarely have favorits when looking at your posts because they are all so good. The clarity and definition are terrific. I too am waiting for the spring birds to arrive.

  20. Hello Julie,
    These shots are really great!!
    Fantastic to see all these different birds with there amazing colors. They are very special and you've caught them very well in your shots.
    This is enjoyment Julie, my compliments!!
    I'm glad that spring comes.

    Much greetings,

  21. Oh they are all my neighbors as well and they are beginning to return. In fact I had a Yellow -rumped Warbler visit the other day...so delightul they are. I have seen the Bluebirds off and on all winter, but they are getting busy too. Beautiful post!

  22. i can't wait for more birds to come to the backyard too!! great pictures Julie! i've been watching a pair of cardinals flying around together, the male feeding the female. They're too cute!

  23. Wow! What a beautiful little birds. So beautiful in color and pretty sharp. Here in the Netherlands we do not have this beautiful colored birds in the wild. Truly a wonderful series.

    Greetings, Helma

  24. Magnificent photos Julie. You captured a lot of wonderful and tough to photo birds. I can't wait to see some warblers myself.

  25. I can certainly see why you are excited for spring! Amazing collection of photos; absolutely beautiful! I love the variety of warblers!

  26. Most of these birds are the same ones I am looking forward to seeing.Your pictures are fabulous.

  27. The warblers are amazing, I would like some of them to visit me too.

  28. Dearest Julie,

    What a treat is your blog with its outstanding photos!
    We can be envious for your variety of beautiful warblers. But at least we do have quite a variety of birds on our property as we provide the perfect habitat for them.
    Love to you,


  29. I always look forward to your posts, Julie. Beautiful shots! Hope you have lots of opportunity to enjoy these birds again this year.

  30. Beautiful pictures of birds, all are too awesome.

  31. What really lovely photos of such beautiful birds! I tried to pick a favourite but it was impossible. The Yellow Warbler reminds me a little of our Yellowhammer and the Blackburnian Warbler is just exquisite. I have started to recognise quite a lot of birds from other countries through blogging but have never come across that one before. How I wish we had Hummingbirds here, such incredible little birds!

    Your Robin of course is entirely different to ours, so much bigger and related by nothing but name ;-)

    Isn't Spring a wonderful season? So much to look forward to and with all those lovely birds to see, I am not surprised you are looking forward to it!

  32. Obrigada por compartilhares este fantástico olhar. Um registo do patrimônio daqueles que preservam.
    Recebe um abraço.

  33. As always, a great collection of images, Julie ... lovely work!

  34. Dearest Julie,

    Today I've posted the national bird from Curaçao that I captured on camera. You will love it I guess, even though I'm NOT competing with your ability as a photographer. But there is more to it than some great photos; the personal joy and satisfaction of seeing with your own eyes such magnificent bird!
    Love to you,


  35. Beautiful shots of beautiful birds !

  36. Exiting to see all those birds, come of them I have never seen. Thanks for sharing these great images.

  37. Hello Julie
    What a lot of beautiful bird pictures, great.
    Greetings Bets

  38. Just wonderful pictures as usual! We leave the UK for Texas in 3 weeks to look for spring migrants. Hope to get some photographs as well!!

  39. Vos photos sont magnifiques,vous avez de superbes photos.Bonne soirée à vous.

  40. I hope each and every one of these beauties stop by your place soon. I'm ready for pretty Spring flowers, birds at the birdfeeder, and anything "green" sprouting. Bring Spring on!!! Great photos, as always. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  41. very beautiful birds. I especially love the yellow warbler. Cheers, ruby

  42. lovely photos! the colors are amazing!

  43. This is what we can say: "NATURE'S SPLENDOR" So much beautiful birds and so on.
    Regards from Brazil,

  44. Wow! What a splendid collection of lovelies!!! Excellent job!

  45. wow and wow and wooooowww! you got a tremnedous beautiful collection of pictures. All are birds that Iðm not gonna see here cause we do not have them, but I happened to see one yellow warbler that landed in Iceland few years back ;-) Beautiful work and I hope you will see them this spring and that we will enjoy your pictures...

  46. Fantastic discovery!
    Your photos are truly a delight!
    A wide variety and great quality, a real must.... inescapable! :)

  47. Wonderful photos as usual Julie. They really do put me in the mood for spring!

  48. Beautiful series really nice birds.

  49. Oh it is pretty over here! I love all your birds! I'm so glad you visited me - I will be back!
    xo Catherine

  50. Each and every bird is lovely and each and every photo is breathtaking. I feel as if hearing their singing the praise of the spring. Soon your garden will be filled with their charming chirps. Have happy and peaceful days ahead.


  51. Sono tutti bellissimi, con la primavera li sentiremo cinguettare!! buon week end...ciao

  52. Hi Julie, I can only daydream about spotting lovely little birds such as these.
    You have captured some amazing photos of these colorful fellows and created a beautiful blog.

    Thanks for your kind comment and following my blog. Have a delightful weekend.
    Pam :)

  53. Hi Julie, Another amazing post here! What I really love about your birding photos is the way you have composition, lighting, and focus so perfectly woven together. What a wonderful picture of the Rusty capped Palm Warbler. And your photo makes the naming of the bird so evident! I've never seen a Prothonotory Warbler ... your perfect shot will probably be as close as I'll get. And the tiny Ruby-crowned Kinglet ... just a beauty! As always, thank you for sharing, and thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such wonderful comments. Best regards to you and yours, John

  54. Hello dear friend.
    The spring and especially the nature, gives us beautiful images like these. Greetings from Brazil.

  55. Oh, wonderful birds. Great captures!

  56. Amazing photos and beautiful birds. i am looking forward to seeing the warblers return. Have a great weekend!

  57. Wow! Love all these shots. Absolutely beautiful blog post, as always!

  58. Os pássaros adoçam as ideias. Os olhares desafiam-se, por entre a cintilação das penas. O gosto pela fotografia espelha-se aqui.
    Cada click é um sonho, cada pena um sorriso.
    Sente-te vencedora. Bons momentos.

  59. Hi Julie,
    Thank you for your lovely reaction on my site!
    Yes the elephant painting was a quite job, but hi is ready finished.
    But your site is wundeful, the birts are so lovely, and very nice. The collers are so beautiful.

    Lovely greeting, and hugs from Joke. P.S my englisch is not very well!!

  60. Beautiful series! Best wishes!

  61. And the anticipation builds!! I love all of your photos, esp. of the Blackburnian Warbler! I would just love to have a good long look at one in person!! Have a wonderful Easter weekend! ~karen

  62. Preciosas imágenes. Logradísimas. Felicidades.

  63. Hello my dear friend! I wish you an Easter Sunday with great health, peace and hamonia in your home. kisses

  64. Wonderful variety of birds!
    Each photo is a must!
    I am truly impressed by the quality!

  65. Wow, what amazing birds - and I've never seen any of them. It epitomises what I love about great blogs like this. I can sit on my sofa here in the UK and share in the delights of your fabulous location so many miles away. Happy Easter!

  66. What colorful birds you have there, very nice shots all of them. Nr 1 is my favourite

  67. truly beautiful photography! I really enjoyed looking through your blog~

  68. The first yellow bird is so sweet and pretty, and you have my beloved hummingbird on here!! Thank you. I hope you had a good nice Easter, my friend.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  69. Hola Julie espectaculares fotografias.Un abrazo

  70. Lovely images! I especially love the warblers. These are just fantastic, as always.

  71. Julie, your photographs are outstanding!! What lovely, lovely birds you have!! Love the yellow warbler...so gorgeous!!

  72. Good read & great pictures thanks for sharing. I have bookmarked the page it is too good to have.

  73. Julie, You're close to winning the "nicest person in the world" award again ! Thanks for all your lovely comments--I truly appreciate them. Fun to scroll through your great bird shots again too--such excellent photography. Hope you have time to go out and take some more soon-- your followers are all waiting patiently for a new post from you. We've had some beautiful Spring weather here in Kansas except for the tornado that tore through Wichita Saturday night. Hundreds of huge pine and deciduous trees uprooted--better trees than people though. Enjoy the day. Mickie :)

  74. Oh what beauties! I am looking forward to seeing some of these myself this year. I saw my first palm warbler of the season at the park the other day but did not have my camera in hand! too bad! your photos are always so delightful! I bet you are looking forward to capturing some new shots this year! Birding is so much fun, isn't it! ;-)

  75. Gorgeous photos of spring visitors Julie. I've been pretty much offline for a few weeks, and I'm happy that I didn't miss these!!

  76. How DO you get such great photos of warblers? They are the hardest for me to shoot (with my camera, of course). They just flit around so much. Nice work!

  77. A beautiful collection of spring birds, good luck for the springbirding season! Linda

  78. Olá adorei seu blog bjs.

  79. Hello I came to thank your visit and thank you for taking advantage of his visit bjs.

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. Bonjour,
    C'est incroyable la couleur de vos oiseaux,chaque fois que je les regarde,je suis toujours aussi émerveillée.
