A colorful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly enjoys the deep purple blooms of a Tall Ironweed plant
Wild Bergamot flowers attract this beautiful hovering Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
A Monarch Caterpillar navigates the buds of a Common Milkweed plant ~ I have seen very few of these striped beauties this year
A Viceroy Butterfly shows off its gorgeous wings
The iridescent colors on this tiny Condylostylid Long-legged Fly are especially resplendent
Red Milkweed Beetles are regularly seen exploring the Common Milkweed plants
A Wild Bergamot bloom is the flower of choice for this Silver-spotted Skipper
Delicate Eastern Amberwing Dragonflies are a common sight in our peach and apple orchard
A busy Honey Bee delights in the tiny blooms of a Sumac Bush
This sightly Eight-spotted Forester Moth was seen flitting around the Common Milkweed plants all day long
Bruce observed a Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly lay this single egg on a peach leaf ~ I kept an eye on it for a few days ~ Sadly, during a recent visit, I noticed it was gone
Had the pretty green egg survived, it would metamorphosized into a lovely Spicebush Swallowtail like this