Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Visitors

With our June wedding just around the corner, I have had little time to visit my favorite bird/wildlife sanctuaries this spring. Fortunately, last week, I was able to squeeze in a couple of birding adventures. The weather was not especially spring-like with temperatures in the teeth chattering 40's. The birds didn't seem to mind the chilly temps and gusty winds along Lake Michigan, as I saw most all of the regular spring visitors.  Below are many beautiful feathered friends often seen in Chicago during March and April.

A striking Blue-winged Teal dabbles in the calm, cool pond

A beautiful Fox Sparrow rests atop a fallen tree limb

A Yellow-rumped Warbler sports spring breeding feather finery

A colorful Horned-Grebe surfaces after diving in the teal blue harbor waters

A well-camouflaged Brown Creepers spirals up the tree

A handsome Northern Flicker scans the nature preserve

A Northern Rough-winged Swallow rests momentarily from its swooping, fluttery flight

A red-eyed American Coot pauses after dipping underwater for a repast of aquatic plants

A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drills shallow tree holes to access sticky sap (note the many small round holes bored into the bark of this tree)

A Hermit Thrush hunts for insects amongst grass and fallen leaves

Sitting pretty on the fence ~ American Robin

The misplaced Cinnamon Teal is still enjoying the surroundings at North Pond