Sunday, September 12, 2010

Late Summer Beauty

Change is in the air ... as we move into mid September, the oppressive summer temperatures and humidity levels have decreased. A deep inhalation of cool morning air feels oh so refreshing. Of late, I have noticed hardy statuesque stalks of corn beginning to brown. Soybean fields, once richly green and lush are mottled with golden leaves. Many trees and bushes are starting to shimmer with colorful migrating warblers. Breathtaking vibrant sunsets, always a delight for our eyes, occur earlier in the evening. As we wind down this unusually steamy summer in the Midwest, there is still much activity and brightness to view. Please join me on a leisurely stroll around our country property as I take in some late summer beauty.

~ I welcome identification assistance ~

This ever vigilant iridescent green beauty, a Ruby-throated Hummingbird keeps a watchful eye on her claimed feeder

A Silver-spotted Skipper encounters a passing diminutive fly

A Green Stink Bug under the protective cover of a curled leaf

A Golden Northern Bumble Bee delights in the Rough-stemmed Goldenrod blooms

A young, beautiful Eastern Bluebird gives us a great view of his new stunning cerulean blue feathers

This big eared, speckled White-tailed Deer fawn paused for a moment to look curiously my way and then went back to nibbling succulent greens along the tree line.

The dazzling purple petals of an Ironweed flower appeals to this golden Skipper

 A pale yellow Virginian Tiger Moth Caterpillar looks so very soft and woolly as it scales a weed stalk

A hungry Monarch Caterpillar finishes off a tasty milkweed leaf

A leggy Mabel Orchard Spider repairs its damaged silky web

A serene scene on our country acreage


  1. I hope you are submitting these shots to a nature magazine somewhere!! Just beautiful! (Especially the deer and the last serene shot). :-)

  2. Gorgeous photos Julie. I enjoy your blog so much!

  3. What a nice set of pictures, Julie

  4. Once again, you take my breath away! FABULOUS!

  5. Your blog is excellent! It has been a pleasure to find out! Congratulations on your pictures! I love your macros! Greetings from Spain!

  6. Your photos are so beautiful, and really capture nature at its very best. Superb!

  7. These are absolutely stunning, Julie. It's always such a delight to visit your blog!

  8. Wow, what stunning images! Fabulous post as always!!

  9. Gorgeous collection of images! Love the fawn:-)

  10. Another great series Julie! I especially like the "stink bug" shot. Well done!

  11. Wow,brilliant images,fantastic macro detail.
    Stunning all round collection showing outstanding photography at it's best.
    Great treat to see.

  12. Julie, each and every photo is so very beautiful and special. I scroll down your posts so slowly, savoring each image! I feel so connected to your work, as though we share the same photograhic vision.

  13. What a spectacular the juvie bluebird on the perch and the hummingbird. The brown skipper is nice as well.

  14. Beautiful beasties, great to find you.

  15. A very gracious thank you for all the especially thoughtful comments. I am extremely touched and ever appreciative.

  16. Beautiful captures Julie, especially love the young bluebird, adorable!

  17. What a beautiful experience to take that stroll with you. Wonderful pictures and post.
