Friday, August 20, 2010

Small Wonders

Since acquiring the new macro lens, I have been viewing my surroundings in a very different manner. My walking gait has become slower in order to get a good look at the tiny wonders around me. A few of my senses seem to be keener, more intensified. I concentrate on small areas, rather than viewing a scene as a whole. I now focus in, as if my eyes are camera lenses. I peer at the undersides of leaves, the scaly bark of trees, the intricate centers of wildflowers, the bristly stems of plants, and the hollowed out crevices in old wooden fence posts. There is so much to see! I find myself listening with a sharpened ear to the interesting and varied sounds of insects that flutter clumsily amongst the leaves, or click, gurgle and burp noisily, calling for a mate. There is so much to hear! Below are some of the small wonders I have delighted in observing lately. All photos were taken on our country property. ~ Identification corrections  are welcome ~

A stunning Acmon Blue Butterfly explores leafy ground cover

A vibrant red Nine-spotted Ladybug Beetle in a luscious sea of green

A pollen dusted Virescent Green Metallic Bee delights in a pretty Ironweed flower

This blooming goldenrod plant attracts a most radiant American Copper Butterfly

A boldly patterned Locust Borer scales a goldenrod plant

A Shamrock Orb Weaver Spider repairs its intricate web

The richly colored wings of a Question Mark Butterfly

This Yellow Woolly Bear Moth reminds me of a diva donning a luxurious white cape

To my naked eye, this Clavate Tortoise Beetle looked like a shred of forest debris ~ Upon focusing in with my macro lens, I saw it was an odd alien-like insect


  1. These are wonderful photos! What lens did you get?

  2. All very nice! I especially like the one with the ladybug beetle. Nice work and thanks for sharing!

  3. Wonderful macros!! That lens rocks!! They're all great captures. My favorite is the 1st photo with the Blue Butterfly!

  4. What a fantastic collection of superb photography.
    Macro photography at it's best.
    Super job.

  5. I really enjoyed those photos. My favorite is the ladybug out on the end of the leaf. Nice work! You are making me covet a real macro lens.

  6. These photos are wonderful. I feel the need to dust off my macro lens....

  7. Wow! These are great! I love macro photography! I want to get a macro lens but unsure of which to get. In the meantime I enjoy using the macro setting on my canon.

    What camera do you use?

  8. What a beautiful collection of photos! I know what you mean - I'm always staring hard at my flowers and all around the ground and such. Even the most ordinary visitors become more eye-catching through the lens. I don't have a macro lens, but do pretty well without (and dream of getting a good one!).

  9. incredibly beautiful post!! The detail and compositions are exquisite!! I am always so excited when you have a new post...a delight feasting my eyes!

  10. I'm never disappointed when I visit your blog. It's always a feast for my eyes and my mind. I always learn something too!..But OH! The photographs are exquisite!! Even if I had a good camera I don't think my photos would look that good...I need "YOU" to come and photograph my backyard!!! ^_^

  11. Julie, these are just so beautiful, I can't even find the words!

  12. So, so inspiring, great reminder that there's beauty in everything around us!

  13. These photographs are stunningly beautiful. You have a great eye and the patience to wait for the perfect moment. I look forward to coming back to your blog.

  14. Spectacular the color and detail.

  15. Oh my .... these are stunning Julie! WOW! And I can relate completely with the post. That is EXACTLY the way I feel when I'm shooting macro!

  16. I can't wait to show your blog to my Mom. We love butterflies and nature pictures. Beautiful work!

  17. Lookin' good Julie. The 100 Macro seems to be working in nicely with the big lens. Some very nice shots the past few weeks

  18. A heartfelt appreciative thank you for all of the extra nice comments. Your thoughtful words mean the world to me.

  19. All of these are fantastic! I love all these fave is the ladybug!

  20. Julie, what a dazzling array of magical entities that most of us would never get to see if not for your talent! Bravo!

  21. Wonderful photos! I'm glad you're stopping to take them.

  22. Wow, these are jsut awesome. Loved all the critters.

  23. wonderful colors and shapes! awesome pictures, thanks for sharing!

  24. Fabulous imagery! If I ever slow down enough, I'd love to start learning how to use my husband's camera and macro to capture such wonderful photos as yours.

  25. You are such an inspiration....your blog has stunning images of the most excellent quality!!!!!I am sure to return on a daily basis to enjoy your Art.....Your Macros are so clear and perfectly in focus...I wish mine were....I guess I just need more practice or something.....So Nice to meet you and I hope you get a chance to peak at my work....Greeting from Huntsville, Ontario Canada
