Thursday, May 13, 2010

Big Catch!

Camera in hand, eyes focused upward to the blossoming tree canopy, I stroll quietly in search of colorful warblers and other migrating birds. I wander along a newly laid wood mulch trail that borders North Pond, a body of water teeming with a variety of fish, flora and fauna. My concentration is interrupted by the sound of flapping wings followed by a hushed thunk. I follow the disturbance to a sizable fallen tree that arcs out over the resplendent pond. There, atop the thick, mossy, horizontal trunk stands a beautifully hued Green Heron with quite a mouthful. Upon closer inspection, I see the Green Heron is quite the skilled fisherman. A large, glistening Bluegill is the unfortunate meal today.

I have observed several Green Herons before and their usual appearance is one of a multicolored football, perched on a tree limb, skulking stance, ready to strike. Much like the photo below.

Today, my first view was this ...

What to do next with this rather large catch ...

Perhaps a few steps will help send the fish to the depths ...

A quick twist will surely assist ...

Down the gullet with this mullet!

A long stretch of the neck will benefit a speck ...

A satisfying lick of the beak, end to an admirable technique

Finishing up with a long slurp ... or was that a burp?


  1. You sure know how to make a photographer drool! Exquisite photos!!

  2. Absolutely FABULOUS post!! WOW ~~ never seen anything like this! So glad you started blogging :)

  3. Look at that belly in the last photo. You can tell where the fish is :D!
    Totally wonderful shots!
    I've not seen a Green Heron and never seen a Heron eat a fish either.
    Lucky you.
    Like Main Birder said *drool* :)
    Btw. love your captions too :D

  4. wonderful set of photos and commentary :)
    Love it


  5. WOW..what an awesome series of shots!!

  6. Emily Dickenson or Robert Frost, your skills to them are surely lost. Nonetheless your story all the while has given me reasons to spread a smile. Added to this feature your abilities as a photog creature, it is no wonder why your limit is the sky.

    Another job well done!

  7. Julie, You have captured an AMAZING series here. I can't tell you how much I love it--tells a story. You do what I love to do--put words in their beaks. Thank you :)

  8. Wow! What a great series of quality photos capturing such a cool moment. Awesome!

  9. these are stunning photos! What a handsome bird and how well you've caught those moments!

    I love your other recent posts too, lots of spectacular photos of beautiful birds!

  10. A great set Julie
    Just great...

  11. Julie, what a beautiful post!! Your photos are absolutely stunning!! I love your compositions. Cathy

  12. Wow! Fabulous Series! And awesome sight to partake. You captured it so beautifully.

  13. It's times like this that words fail. I'm not even going to try to go there. Your photos say it all. THANK YOU FOR THIS.

  14. Julie,
    Impressive shooting. what else can I say?
